A Serenade with Beauty: A Kurdish Love Story Read online

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  All of her adult life had been centered on heartache, pain, and uncertainty coupled with doctors, her mother’s illness, and no money. Relationships? She did not even know what it was like to share sexy looks with a hot guy, or wake up in a strange place covered in sex sweat and a smile. No, that was not her life and right now, could not be. Her responsibility to her mother and herself was greater than selfish desires.

  Vicky came up behind her, threading her arm through Mia’s, leading her toward the bar. She leaned close and said, “So, what’s up? I lost you for a moment.”

  She had zoned out and Vicky noticed. “Nothing,” Mia murmured, fighting the pity party for one surfacing in the back of her mind. “I’ll get my gear and head—”

  “Cut it out, will ya? I know you work for us, but we’re friends too, right?” Vicky kept going without a breath in between. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  Mia resisted the urge to break down. No matter how much she tried to keep her head above water, she was still sinking. She grimaced and said, “Besides life?”

  “Oh, honey, it will get better. It has to. You’re too young for wrinkles. Why don’t you take a night off and I’ll come sit with your mother for a few hours.” Mia made to protest, but Vicky bulldozed over her. “How about once a week? You go out with your friends, and your mom and I can drool over hot guys. I’ve a ton of DVD’s in need of fresh eyes.”

  Tears stung from Vicky’s kindness. Mia had not told anyone, but she had lost all of her friends when she ditched school. There hadn’t been anyone to care if she’d ‘had fun’ or relaxed. Still, no matter the temptation, her responsibility for her mother was hers to shoulder and no one else’s.

  “Thank you, but—”

  Vicky rounded on her, glaring. “Girl, you are not brushing this off. I’m totally doin’ this! I’m so sorry I hadn’t offered before. I want to give you a chance to breathe a little.” She stomped her foot. “C’mon, Mia. Cave already. I want to get back to drooling over the yummy workers.”

  “Well, I…” Mia hedged, not sure, if this was something she should accept, but Vicky’s offer was tempting.

  The older woman cocked her head, her stubbornness evident.

  Finally, Mia relented. “Okay, but—”

  “No buts, Mia, this is so happening. By the time you leave today, you’ll have picked a night for R & R. In fact, start thinking about what you want to do. Go to the gym, spa, a movie… anything. You need a little refresher, even if you merely take a walk or bang a guy senseless!” Vicky laughed as Mia’s eyes widened. “The point is, you’re long overdue, and I’m initiating the intervention, sweetie pie.”

  Despite Mia’s desire to keep everything to herself, a small tear fell out the corner of her eye. Hurriedly, she dashed it away. “Thanks, Vicky. I appreciate it, really. But won’t Steve mind?” Thinking of her family of five, and how Vicky needed to be with them.

  She led Mia over to their stockpile of cleaning products, handing her a freshly laundered apron. “Honey, you can thank me by going on a hot date, and then sharing the deets later. Oh, and Steve won’t mind. I have my hunk of love on a tight string of bliss.”

  As Vicky winked, Mia groaned, knowing that was the last thing she wanted to know!


  Covered head to toe in protective gloves, face mask, and apron, Mia set out to do her least favorite job… the bathrooms. Nightclub restrooms were the epitome of nasty, even in an upscale club such as Starzzz, and the only benefit for her was the alone time offered. But that was a double edged sword too. Alone with her thoughts.

  Ongoing lists rambled through her mind, teasing her apprehension mercilessly—pay this, pay that. Call her mother’s doctors again, get groceries after work, and be sure to ask JB if he has his share of the rent ready. Her mind never stopped. Money, money, money. She hated money with a passion. The more she needed, the more she did not have.

  Her cell phone buzzed in her back pocket, knowing instantly it was Susan by the ring tone.

  She threw down the soapy cloth, yanking off her gloves and mask, before pulling out her phone. Fear shivered down her spine. Was it her mother? Was this ‘the call?’

  Mia hit the button and answered breathlessly, “Susan? Is it mom?”

  A sweet voice answered, “Lord no, child, your mom is fine, love. I’m actually calling from the hospital.”

  Mia closed her eyes in relief, leaning heavily against the counter. She released a slow breath, her heart thudding hard in her chest. “What’s up? I thought you were taking the morning off.”

  “Um-hmm, I was, but I had to submit some reports to my supervisor and thought I’d check on your mom’s case, and since I’m the on-call nurse, it was easy to do. In the back of my mind, I felt they had made a decision on the treatment program. And I was right.” There was a grievous pause, peppered with hesitation.

  “Susan, please, what did they say?” Mia gripped her phone tighter, pleading under her breath for good news. Hope was the last thing she had and she wanted to extend her mother’s life if possible.

  “They declined her admittance into the program, love. I’m so sorry,” Susan said, her voice thick with emotion.

  Mia sank forward on the counter, her head meeting her hand as tears burned her eyes. “Oh, God…”

  Susan kept going at a level, yet gentle tone, “I didn’t want to tell you over the phone, but I knew I couldn’t keep this from you. I knew you’d want to know right away… and make arrangements.”

  “Arrangements?” Mia barely creaked out the words, emotion choking her throat. “What kind, Susan?”

  “Hospice, love. The doctors say it’s time.”

  That was the last thing Mia heard as she passed out.


  Mia had disappeared down the hallway, Ram was sure of it. But where? He checked several doors lining the dimly lit passage, but nothing. Where was she?

  As he neared the women’s restroom, he heard her voice; the sweet slippery tones sent a small tingle down his spine. Pleasure lacerated his insides. It was one of the harrowing factors of a beautiful woman he enjoyed—their voice. Nothing sent him over the edge faster than a woman’s succulent words. His mind emptied that he had spent all of last night with another woman.

  Mia was different… almost precious in stature and delicacy. He had seen her before, but he had turned away from her with a firm shake of his head. So petite and sexy-slender, she was far removed from his usual choice of buxom women, but rather, a carnal jolt to his system.

  Earlier, he had sensed her reaction to him. It took all his willpower not to draw on that compelling feeling and explore her more closely. Mia had an earthy, sensual quality about her. Women like her were the forever kind, a flavorful nectar he admired, yet he would never dream of soiling. Deep down, she was exactly the kind of fiancée Javad would approve of, but persuading himself to ask her would prove difficult.

  Ram tried to convince himself he was seeking her out to propose Javad’s asinine scheme, but the truth was like a hallucination, similar to a man lost in the desert. A deep yearning to be close to her streaked through his insides. Truly, he wanted another moment in her presence to tease his senses. He ached to whet his awakening appetite for someone unobtainable.

  Then he heard something clunk… then a definite thud!

  In a rush of fear, Ram pushed open the bathroom door. “Mia?”

  He found her sprawled out on the tiled floor, unmoving. Ram assessed the situation within a second. Her phone lay beside her in three distinct pieces, and blood ran down her forehead. “Oh, my God!”

  Another round of dread pitted against his stomach, hammering his heart into a furious rhythm. He crouched beside her, tilting her chin toward him, ignoring the softness of her skin as his previous medical training took over.

  “Mia? Mia Jaan, can you hear me?”

  With more whispered Kurdish curses under his breath, he caressed over the rich texture of her dark hair, his finger soaking with more blood as he probed closer to her wound. Cold tears tracked her cheeks and her face, her nose reddened as if she had been crying.

  A sense of his past, with stark memories of blood, surfaced in his mind, torturing him. Death. Loss of life. Everything he ached to forget fragmented through him.

  She whimpered softly, but that was enough for him to scoop her up. As he stood, the bathroom door banged open behind him.

  Vicky’s singsong voice echoed through the small space. “Sweetie pie—” She gasped, horror lining her expression as she clutched her chest, “—Oh, my dear God! What happened—?”

  “I heard a noise and found her this way. Get the door!” Ram cut her off sharply—zero time for detailed explanations.

  Despite the urgency of the situation, Mia’s body felt right against his chest as he stalked out of the bathroom with her curled in his arms. He shrugged off Vicky’s worried expression.

  He strode toward the private office, hoping he had not locked the door. “Open it,” Ram barked to Vicky, as impatience ate through his insides.

  The older woman complied with shaky hands, yet he could not spare her a glance, stomping with determination toward the leather sofa.

  Gently, he laid Mia out, eliciting a groan from her. Turning to Vicky, he asked her to get the first aid kit from under the cash register.

  A cold sweat popped on his brow and his heart continued to pound. Ram stroked Mia’s cheek, silently willing her into consciousness. “Mia? Mia, can you open your eyes, beautiful?”

  Chapter 4

  Swirling images of her mother teased the back of Mia’s mind, filling her with childhood memories. Birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgivings—every holiday and every day in between. Each moment swam through her without relenting. Fractured snippets zoomed as if a slideshow of happiness. Her mother’s smile was the ultimate pleasure, yet a terrible pain smacked her consciousness, pulling her out of the safe haven. She did not want to leave.

  Distantly, she heard a warm, soothing voice calling to her, laced with a foreign richness. Such concern willed her back into reality, but she did not want to leave her mother—her healthy sweet mother. The vitality beaming from her smile and the freshness of life bade her to stay. Oh, how she hated to leave.

  “Mia Jaan, open your eyes for me. Come on.”

  Her eyes fluttered open, and the sunlight stung her eyes. She groaned softly, turning her head to the side, hoping to escape the pain. However, more anguish streaked through her, a sick, nauseated feeling was accompanied by cloudy vision. Mia exhaled, staring up at Ram.

  A look of relief crossed his face. “Can you tell me what the weather is like today?”

  She closed her eyes, trying to clear the fuzziness, but he caressed her cheek.

  “Keep your eyes on me, beautiful. Tell me what the weather is like,” he said.

  She brought her hand up to her stomach, silently begging the churning to subside. “I… you want a… weather report? Now…?”

  He chuckled, a warm, delicious sound rumbling out his lips. “Yes, tell me.”

  She thought for a moment. “Cold.”


  “Good girl. Now, smile for me,” Ram whispered, his eyes focused on her face with intensity, gauging her reaction to his simple commands.

  The medical student in him worked quickly. He was half-sure she was okay, but he wanted to be certain she was not suffering from any residual effects of knocking herself out.

  Mia frowned. “What—why is this helpful?”

  “It’s important. Think of something that makes you smile—something uplifting and happy.”


  Maybe it should have been her mother, given what Mia had experienced of right before opening her eyes, but it was not.

  She stared up at Ram, enthralled. A strange, buzzing feeling swam over her. His warm gaze peeled away the pain thumping against her brow and the nausea rolling through her belly. Her lips parted in surprise and everything faded but him.

  Ram’s dark hair hung parted down the middle, his front hair tipping his jawline. Her eyes smoothed over his black brows, sliding down his nose to firm lips. A hint of a smile curved his mouth as he waited for her to what…? Oh, smile. But she didn’t. She met his liquid brown gaze, unsure where his pupils met the irises. Such hard intensity bit into her, stealing her breath. She was not sure, but she thought he leaned closer.


  She smiled.

  A stirring silence wrapped around them, pausing time, if only a moment.


  Shaking his head as if caught under a sensual spell, Ram pulled back. He needed to get some perspective, yet her scent and the softness of her gaze tilted him off kilter. He had never experienced anything so powerful in a woman’s eyes before. Women in general were like shaking hands with the Devil—the more he had, the more he wanted. But something about Mia stirred something tender and protective inside him.

  Ram cleared his throat. “Raise both hands up like this.” He demonstrated, hoping she did not notice the gravely quality edging his throat, or the desire that was there.

  Mia complied, lifting her hands up. “Am I cured, doctor?” She winced, lowering her hands.

  Vicky rushed in. “I found it!”

  Ram stood to his feet, taking the first aid kit from Vicky’s hands. “Thank you,” he said curtly, moving to the desk, and prepared what he needed with precise movements.


  The older woman sank beside Mia, worry etched on her face. “Sweetie pie, what happened?” she whispered, her eyes darting over her shoulder at the younger Zare brother. She rubbed a hand over Mia’s arm and whispered, “Did he… hurt you?”

  Mia’s eyes widened.

  Ram suddenly loomed over both of them, cutting their conversation short. “I’m ready. Let me help you.” Without another word, he lifted Mia easily, turning toward the desk.

  Maybe Mia should feel shaken at his audacity to pick her up so freely, but she was not. Her arms banded around his neck, and her skin rubbed against the flesh at his nape. A beautiful sting of pleasure shot up her arm, forming goose bumps as his delicious scent bombarded her nose. She frowned at the new sensations.

  Ram eased her down on the desk, staring at her. “Are you cold?”

  She bit her lip, far from chilled. “No.”

  Nodding, he set about cleaning her wound. “So, tell me, beautiful, where was the fire?”

  Her brows furrowed, studying his face, but he did not look at her. “Huh?”

  A small smile touched his lips as he cleansed her forehead with a cotton ball and antiseptic. “I mean, I’ve heard of stop, drop, and roll, but you knocked yourself out. What happened? I found you passed out.”

  Mia’s cheeks flamed, looking down. “I… slipped,” she lied, not wanting to discuss her personal issues or the phone call from Susan.

  He eased a finger under her chin. The simple gesture forced her to meet his cool, dark gaze. “Really?”

  She looked toward Vicky for help, but found her smiling like a fool, giving her two thumbs up and mouthing, ‘He’s so hot!’

  Mia’s eyes narrowed. Seconds ago, Vicky shouldered a bucket of concern, so sure Ram had attacked her, but now, this reaction?

  Mia shrugged off his comment. “Granted, it wasn’t my finest moment, but it was an accident. I’ll be fine.”

  He grunted as he grabbed a butterfly bandage, tearing it open. “Not from where I’m standing, beautiful. Not only do you have an inch gash on your head, but also your pupils are blown out and you will most likely have a concussion. I recommend taking the day off. In fact, I’ll drive you home myself.”

  As panic lit Mia, another streak of pain lanced through her temple. “B-but I have to work, a-and go to the grocery store—”

  Ram placed a fingertip over her moving lips. “Shh, I’m not listening. I hear this,” he said, moving one hand in a quacking duck motion, “but I want to hear this.” He closed his hand, indicating for her to be silent.

  Mia gasped at his arrogance, yet before she could protest, Vicky jumped up, her eager smile still in place.

  “That sounds like an excellent idea, Mr. Zare. Maybe when you take Mia home, you can pick up some lunch, and then eat together,” she said, turning to wink at Mia.

  “No, no, this is a terrible idea, Vicky, I have to work.” God, she did not need this complication.

  “Not really,” Steve called from the doorway. The trio in the office turned to gaze at him. “As our employee, you are covered under our workers’ accidental policy. Take the rest of the day off and rest up. You’re covered.”

  Ram turned back to Mia, his lips curving into a half-smile, his eyes dark with something fierce. “It’s settled then. Shall we?”


  Mia did not believe Steve and Vicky for a second. A workers’ accidental policy? She knew Vicky most likely forced her husband to give her the rest of the day off. This was another demerit against her dwindling workdays, and she would be lucky to buy a loaf of bread for next week’s dinner. Depressing thought.

  This was a glorified setup by her employer, so sure Vicky envisioned her and Ram, knocking the bed rails hot. Not happening, especially not with her ailing mother in the next room. Or with Susan here and there about the apartment—just no. Besides, floating images of him with Ms. Skittle Boobs ran through her mind. Yeah, he had his sensual lineup already in place. He would not be looking to her for a little feel-up.


  Mia shook her head, wincing. The smell of leather and a lot of money drenched her nose as she waited for Ram in his expensive Audi. She knew she had been caught in a cleverly designed web, but here she sat in his car, as he swung sleek and neat beside her, handing her purse that he had retrieved from her beater mobile. She tried not to care how his fingers brushed against hers, or the pleasure zipping up her arm.

  The tense set of his beautiful lips was not a good sign, yet Mia was not about to say anything more. No protesting. No comments. She was resolved and he was taking her home. His car came to life with a soft purr and he pulled out of the Starzzz parking lot. He traveled the opposite direction of her apartment.

  Anxiety lit her up, her brows furrowing. “Um, my apartment is the other way, Mr. Zare.”